Header Canada 2024

SIAL Canada - 15-17 May 2024 Montreal

SIAL in North America, SIAL Canada logo

SIAL Canada, organized with the ADA (Association des détaillants en alimentation), the Agri-Food Export Group of Quebec-Canada, is the only show supported by governments (Federal and Provincial) bringing together the retail, foodservice and equipment industries under one roof.

It alternates between Montreal and Toronto to cover all local and regional demand, not to mention the growing ethnic market. If your company is eager to sell food, benefit from the latest trade agreement (CETA), present packaging or process solutions or test the North American market, SIAL Canada is where you want to be!

Visit SIAL Canada's website

SIAL CANADA 2024 wrapped up successfully from May 15-17, showcasing record numbers and setting the stage for another impactful event in 2025.

We look forward to meeting you in a few months to present the 22th edition of our show: SIAL Canada 2025 from April 29th to 1st May at the Palais des Congrès in Montreal

SIAL Canada 2019



  • 21 000 professional visitors from over 77 countriesrepresenting all regions of canada of which 80% have a decision-making role in the purchasing process.
  • Top 3 reasons for visiting: Finding new products | Staying aware of market trends | Discovering new suppliers. 
  • Business activities of our visitors: 33% Suppliers | 20% Food service | 15.5% importers | 14.5% retailers | 8% Governments and associations | 6% Services.
SIAL Canada - Visitors


  • 800+ exhibitors and brands from 44 countries
  • The show is the only event of its kind in Canada, bringing together more than 1000+ national and international exhibitors from 50 countries.
  • The ultimate event tailored to market needs and trends. Discover a wide range of food offer (beverages, cheese, grocery, organic and well-being, local products, fresh products, ethnic products, start-ups) and an equipment offer (packaging and processing, retail, supply chain, HRI).


  • The SIAL Canada offers all exhibitors the opportunity to participate in its Buyer Program. This program allows participants to meet with high-level American, Canadian and international buyers who are specifically interested in doing business with them. 
  • The exclusive buyers program IS free for exhibitors. Meet nearly 100 key domestic and international buyers.


SIAL Innovation

An opportunity for your new product launch to shine at this world stage. Showcase your innovative products at SIAL Innovation with an opportunity for 3 winners to be featured at SIAL Network events around the world over the next year.
All SIAL Innovation Events

Inspire Drink

A unique hosted activity aligned with market expectation: mixology, fermentation and well-being, plus new textures and unheard-of tastes!

Olive d'or
Canada's largest extra-virgin olive oil competition, featuring 77 olive oils from 12 different countries.

Another tremendous, hosted activity about the products that garners the most interest at our shows. Say Cheese!

Start-ups: Pitch competition:
An exciting competition challenging 2 sets of start-ups to pitch their concept for 3 days. "You have one minute to make your mark!"

Central Expert Hub
Fruitful meetings with real added value: 14 experts in +12 areas of expertise. Ask the experts all your questions and get ready to flood the market.

SIAL To Go : 
Immerse yourself in a world where speed of service and innovation combine to meet the dynamic needs of restaurateurs and retailers.


What to expect in 2025 ? 

Join us in Toronto from 29th April to 1st May, 2025 !



"This has been one of best shows I have visited I would not change anything about it. Great Innovation Trends, lots of new products presented, and everything flowed with easy, Thank you for a great show!"
Loblaw (Canada)

Header Canada 2024
Next events

SIAL Canada - 15th to 17 May 2024

Montreal - Palais des Congrés 

Visit SIAL Canada website

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